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How to be a Merit Badge Counselor

Troop 350 needs parents to volunteer to be Merit Badge Counselors, so that our Scouts can earn the 

badges they want and need for Eagle! This page contains links to all of the requirements to be a 

counselor. You can fill out the forms electronically, but you must print them out to give to the Merit 

Badge Dean. This is because the forms contain sensitive information, and we do NOT want to transmit 

them electronically.


  1. Take BSA Youth Protection Training online and print certificate:

  2. Fill out and return Diocesan Youth Volunteer Inquiry Release Form: Youth Volunteer Inquiry Release Form 

  3. Take Diocesan Youth Protection Training online and print certificate: 

  4. Take BSA Merit Badge Training online: 

  5. Complete BSA Adult Application (Position Code is 42): 

  6. Sign Background Check Authorization Form (attached to BSA Adult Application) 

  7. Complete BSA Merit Badge Counselor Information Form. 


Print and give these forms to the Troop Merit Badge Dean 

Steve Sheldon –


A list of merit badges can be found here: 

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