May 2017 Calendar:
1 May: Alpha Patrol has the Opening
Court of Honor (more details to follow)
Nominations for ASPL
5-7 May OA Ordeal @ Camp Comer
6 May: Saturday Morning - Scout Quartermasters are
organizing the whole Troop to SET UP and INSPECT ALL the Troop Tents.
I expect this to start at 0800 (probably done by Lunch)
8 May: Patrol Beta has the Opening
Nominations for ASPL
Cyber Chip Training
Meal Planning for Scouts Skills Campout
Catch 10 (lead by Max)
11 May: PLC
12-14 May: Scout Skills Camp Jackson
15 May: Patrol Charlie has the Opening
Thorns & Roses from Scout Skills
ASPL Speeches & Elections
Leadership Position Sign-Ups
Packing for Summer Camp
22 May: Falcons have the Opening
Basic Summer Camp First Aid by Ethan (Hydration, Sunscreen, Monkey Butt)
Build Patrol Flags (bring your own supplies)
New Patrols will create their Flag
Existing Patrols will make their Flag BETTER.
29 May: Pythons have the Opening
Finish Patrol Flags (we’ll be taking these to SUMMER CAMP!)
Patrol Competition: Reach for the Sky (Jeffery)
Ninja (Adam)
Cone Sweep (Sidney)