October 1st:
Thorns & Roses - Webelos Campout
Parent/Scout Instructors - Scoutbook Training
Cooking Kahoot (Patrols) - Brody
Start Planning Skits for Halloween Meeting
Summer Camp/High Adventure Presentation
October 8th:
Troop Photos (possible)
Leave No Trace Instruction - Pythons
Backpack Cooking Instruction - Pythons
Meal Planning for Cycling Campout
October 11th:
October 12-14
Cycling Campout on Chief Ladiga Trail
October 15th:
Class "B" Meeting
Camping Req. #5 (Backpacks due for inspection on Nov. 5th)
Capture the Flag
October 22nd
Troop Photos (possible)
Lashing Instructions (Jeffrey)
Catapult Building (w/Pumpkins)(Winner get to use catapult next meeting)
Plan Skits for 10/29 meeting
October 29th:
Halloween Theme
Campire with Skits
MC (tbd)