November 5th:
Ask volunteers to arrive at 6pm to fold Flags for Veterans day. These are Flags that have flown over the US Capital.
ASPL Nominations and Leadership Position Sign-Ups for Leadership Positions
Patrol Minutes: PL Nominations
Backpacking Gear Inspection for the Troop
Meal Planning for the Cumberland Gap
Backup Photo Day
November 9th (Friday): (for Cumberland Gap Campout)
Scouts will meet at the Gear Garage to
Check out Backpacking Gear
Wash the Trailer (and eat Pizza, thank you Committee)
November 10th (Saturday): Depart early morning for the Cumberland Gap
November 12th: No Meeting Veterans Day
November 17th: Thomas Coats Eagle Court of Honor
November 18th: Matthew Whittemore Eagle Court of Honor
November 19th:
Thorns and Roses from Cumberland Gap
ASPL final Nominations and Speeches
Jack Gjesvold takes the reigns as SPL
Patrol Minutes: PL Elections
Final Leadership Position Sign-ups ASPL Elections
Campout Powerpoint Presentation to show the Troop where we've gone in the past (and where we could go in 2019) Thomas ^2 (Coats & Maxwell) will conduct the presentation
November 26th:
Meeting starts early: 6pm
Movie: It's a Wonderful Life (it's part of one of the Citizenship MBs). Committee will provide POPCORN
Intermission: Patrols give their Patrol Leaders camping input that they can take to the Planning Campout.
Finish the movie by 8:30
Nov 30, Dec 1, Dec 2:
Planning Campout @ Westmoreland.
PLC has decided that they'd like the adults to cook most of the meals
There was a Request to do lunch similar to last year and work in EDGE instruction in making Lunch.
We'll also do Leadership Training at this campout.