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Troop COVID Campout Record


As troop historian I wanted to document how the troop adapted to living in a world with


Campouts during COVID were very unusual. Before COVID in March we had a Capture

the Flag campout and all the scouts enjoyed that. When COVID hit, all of our campouts

were now in jeopardy. Scouts can’t go without camping, so the Scouting community of

Troop 350 created virtual campouts, where we had all of the scouts participate in some

theme and send pictures of them doing the campout. Some examples were

Hawaiin/tropical themed and a netflix “camp in” where scouts watched “Raiders of the

Lost Ark” virtually together. We had scouts cook meals in dutch ovens, set up

hammocks in between swing sets, and Mr Hauser set up his invisible tent. When the

restrictions were lifted somewhat, we had a canoeing campout and our annual Webelos


William Ryals,

Troop 350 Historian

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